Monday, November 1, 2010

How Was Halloween?

How did everyone make out for Halloween?  Our family did pretty well.  We had an exciting weekend with lots of Halloween events planned.

First, we started the weekend out with a last minute Halloween costume change on Thursday night.  My daughter's dress she wanted to wear didn't fit too good.  So we ran to our local Wal-Mart.  Then, she couldn't decide what she wanted to be.  So she combined a few costumes together.  Basically she was a black cat wearing a blond wig, who descended from royalty!

On Friday, they had a Halloween party and parade at the school.  Despite the fact it was cold and raining off and on, they still had the parade outside.  The made it around the school bus loop once before it started to rain and sleet; everyone made a made dash for cover!

On Friday night, my daughter had a Halloween party at the school for Girl Scouts.  She went as a plain old black cat because the wig was “too itchy.”  That was fun, as they had a lot of yummy snacks and fun activities.

On Saturday, I took Sarah and her friend Madison down to a free Halloween party they were having at the local American Legion.  That was neat.  They had a costume party, games, snacks, and hayrides for the kids!
After that, we had a two hour playdate at the house with Madison and Sarah’s other friend Emily.  Then, my mom, Emily’s mom and little sister, and Madison’s mom all joined us for trick or treating on Main Street with the local businesses.  The girls had so much fun!

On Sunday (actually Halloween), we went trick or treating around the neighborhood.  At this point in time, my daughter was tired of being a cat.  So she broke out the wig again and a princess dress and became a blond princess!  Too funny!  We hit up quite a few houses in the neighborhood; it was just so cold!

We closed out the night by handing out candy at our house (first time we have been able to do this since we just rented an apartment before with a door out back).  Sarah loved answering the door!

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